Good Morning! I have been looking at this picture all week on my desktop background. I forget how I even came across it but the moment I saw it it resonated with me. It's by a woman named Esther Havens. The colours are gorgeous and the mystery of all of the women in the photo is captivating. But what I love the most is the beautiful woman riding the bike....
I love the fact that woman are complex. We are "fearfully and wonderfully made." I think it's important to pay attention to these kinds of questions when we're around other women, but also to remember to ask ourselves these questions. What makes me smile? What do I love and care about? How do I feel about myself? How am I using the time that has been given to me today? God has created us each so uniquely. As women, we tend to get jealous of one another or to wish we had 'this' or 'that'... then life would be better. I'm continually to seek to find my fulfillment and satisfaction in Christ. It is He who has made me the way that I am and it is also He who gives me the desires, hopes, and dreams that are planted deeply in my heart.
Beauty is a funny thing... we think we know what it is but have we let our Creator Himself define it for us? He tells us in His Word: "What matters is not your outer appearance....but your inner disposition." (I love this next part...) "Cultivate inner beauty, the gentle, gracious kind that God delights in." -1 Peter 3:3-4. I think the reason this picture struck me as so unique and moving is because its as if I can see into this woman's inner beauty...her gentle and gracious spirit, which is so valuable to God.