Lord, where would I be without you? Whenever I get off track, you bring me right back to that place of surrender, of desiring you above all other things. Why am I so easily distracted? Why do I allow fear to overtake me so often? Why do I allow little gods, idols in my life, take precedence over my relationship with you? I guess the answer to all of these questions comes down to the same answer: I'm a sinner.
Thankfully, my story does not end there. Yes, I'm a sinner. Yes, that makes me sad and frustrated with myself at times. But it also leads me to the Source of forgiveness. My Source of strength, peace, HOPE. Jesus, you are truly my All in All. You're everything I need. I'm sorry for putting other things before you. For losing my way and missing the mark.
The Good News is that each day, no matter how I feel about myself, there is Someone who is always going to love me. Luke 2:10-12 says, "But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” He'll never reject me and he'll never let me go. Even when I move away from him, He's there. When I am disobedient, he gently leads me back to live in His will. Why does he do this? He loves me. It's that simple. He can't help it. He IS love. He IS grace. He is Christ the Lord.
Jesus, there are 16 days left until we celebrate your birth. May we remember that each and every day, we are invited to celebrate and worship you. Right where we are...just as we are. You came into this world, this world that is often times so hard to live in because it's broken and sinful. Still, you came on our behalf. You came to give us life ABUNDANT. Instead of trudging through life, worrying about the details of our day, or the uncertainties of our future, you invite us to a different way. You invite us to intimacy with you, where we find fullness of joy and complete satisfaction. You are the Prince of Peace- Prince of Wholeness. Jesus, make me whole in you. I surrender myself to you and I thank you, so much, for coming into this world, so that you could die for my sins, and wash me white as snow. Thank you that you rose and you are alive now. You are in control and you are sovereign over all creation. I worship you today Father...in your incredible vastness you chose to give me life, and so I lay my life at your feet and put all my trust and hope in you. Today, and every day.