Friday, 8 May 2015

What do you need today?

I’m learning  to answer this question: What do I need today? This question is so essential, yet many of us don’t give it any thought. We are so good at putting everyone else’s needs above our own. And we often end our days tired, weary and frustrated. Is there a better way? I would rather end my day feeling whole-hearted, at peace, alive, whole. Maybe still tired...yes...but in a great way.

We learn in the bible that our body is a temple of Jesus. But our body is not merely physical. It includes our minds, hearts and spirits.

What if we asked ourselves these four questions...

What does my spirit need today?

What does my heart need today?

What does my mind need today?

What does my body need today?

Often the answers to these questions will be different, depending on the day, what season of life we’re in, what our lives currently look like.

Some days our spirits need to dig in and have a deep, much needed conversation with God. Other days, our spirits need to simply be still before Him and listen.

Some days our hearts need to be given permission to be sad or frustrated. Other days, our hearts need to be allowed to feel happy and light.

Some days our minds need to be challenged and molded. Other days, our minds need space to be emptied of all the clutter.

Some days our bodies need exercise, movement, invigoration. Other days our bodies need to move through the day stillness and rest where we can find it.

There’s a rhythm to our needs. We are multifaceted. We need work and rest. We need connection and time alone. We need time to play and time to be still. We need to laugh and we need to cry. One is not better than the other. One adds to the other.

While it’s true that, based on our individual personalities, we each may need more of one thing than the other. But I believe that living into all of who we are is essential.

...What do you need today?...

Does your body need to jump in a pool and soak up some sun? Or does it need to lay on a blanket in the shade and look up at the sky through the trees?

Does your mind need space from endless social media images and hearing other people’s opinions?  Or does it need to read an amazing novel with an exciting plot and be challenged to see life in a new way?

Does your heart need a good laugh with a friend over coffee? Or does it need a good cry over some things in your life that are hard right now?

Does your spirit need to be invigorated through music or the study of God’s word? Or does it need to be still and simply receive all He has given?

The question is not whether one of these things is better than the other. The question is... what do you need today? Tomorrow might be different. But what is it you need in this present moment? In order to feel whole-hearted, at peace, alive, and whole?

Can you give yourself permission to ask yourself this question today?

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