1. Moving is a lot of work! We just moved to a new suite this past week. Why do we have so much stuff? I don't like having a lot of random stuff and I want to get rid of things we don't use and don't need.
2. Meal plans for the week are a necessity. If I don't write out a meal plan and then grocery shop for that meal plan, we will eat out and spend more than we should.
3. I need girl talk. Sometimes when life gets busy, time with my girlfriends falls to the wayside. Making that a priority this month has lifted my mood and helped me process some things. I am blessed with amazing girlfriends and I want to make more time for them!
4. I love routine and consistency. I got offered a full time teaching position for the fall (thank you Lord!) and I'm super stoked! Mostly, I'm looking forward to the routine of being with the same kids every day in the same classroom.
5. Vacations are important. The beginning of this month, my hubby and I got back from a week long vacation in Phoenix. We both could not believe the difference we felt. We were better able to handle our work loads and even just the emotional stresses of our jobs. I need regular time away with just him. Seems obvious, but it had been a surprisingly long time since we'd had time away together.
6. The Voice is better than American Idol...I like how they focus more on the positive (coaching them) than the negative (judging them). But if I start watching a show like that, I'm hooked. If I don't want to get hooked to a show, I shouldn't watch even one episode! :)
7. Too much social media is overwhelming. I love facebook for many reasons, but I don't need to check it more than once a day. Also, twitter is cool. But again, once a day is more than enough.
8. God's presence is sweet and I desire more of Him. We went to the Chris Tomlin & Kari Jobe concert in Seattle. It was awesome! God's presence was so near. I know (head-knowledge) that he is with me, but I want to be more aware of his presence in every moment of my day.
9. Planting potatoes is a fun way to spend a Wednesday night. Our youth group had the opportunity to serve at "God's Little Acre" this month. They donate produce to food banks and their heart is all about others. There are amazing places to serve in such practical ways right outside our back doors.
10. I am super proud of my husband! I've always been proud of him, but right now he is working on his Masters of Divinity part time and working full time. I love that he has drive and motivation and I want to help and encourage him as much as possible. Anyone with a spouse in school knows that it can be tough. But, I want to work at being more thankful for the fact that he has this opportunity and to encourage him in any way possible towards this goal (yes, even if that means editing 15 page papers late at night when I have to work the next morning.) :)
11. Adoption is awesome. Lately, some friends of ours got their referral to adopt from Ethiopia. It was pretty amazing watching their journey and then finally seeing that it's all happening. I believe in adoption and I think there are few things that so purely express God's heart.
12. I love to write. Even if something I enjoy isn't a major part of my day job, I should make time for it.
What have you learned this April?!
What have you learned this April?!
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