Monday, 15 April 2013

Am I Growing?

Lately I've been struck by the significance of the word Growth. Spring is the most captivating of all seasons in terms of new life and growth. The beauty of growth is so tangible this time of year. This got me thinking... If growth on the earth is this breath-taking, how much more will our growth bring glory to our Creator?

There are different kinds of growth. Growth can be physical. Grownups always say to children, "You're growing up so fast!" Or sometimes we grow physically when we train for a marathon, start lifting weights, etc. There's also emotional growth. This kind of growth happens as we gain a maturity in the ways we react and respond to different people and situations. Intellectual growth happens when we feel our minds have been stretched in some way, whether that means we've mastered a new language, instrument, or completed a course. There's relational growth. This happens between husbands and wives, friends, family, even aquaintances. We learn how to treat others and how to respond to each other's needs. We also experience spiritual growth. Spiritual growth happens over time. Sometimes it happens quickly, but for most people, spiritual growth is a journey. I grow the most spiritually when I am spending time alone with God, digging into his word, and stretching myself to lead and disciple others. Of course, there are other areas of growth too.

When I was younger, I was guilty of often saying "I'm bored." (As if it were my parents God-given calling to give me something exciting to do!) Reflecting on this now, I think it had more to do with my personality than me being an annoying child. :) I remember my Nana used to say something that I really did not like hearing: "If you say you're 'bored'" she'd say, "you're probably a boring person." Ouch. As I reflect on this statement now though, I can see some truth in it. It's easy to become stagnant. Stagnant means "Having no current or flow...showing no activity...dull and sluggish." For some reason, I've been feeling kind of "blah" (bored/stagnant) lately. It's not that life isn't good. But I know that I haven't been as excited about it lately. Instead of appreciating all of the wonderful things in my life and the exciting things God's calling me to, I find myself complaining more easily, feeling down more often, and overall feeling a sense of stagnancy.

I've discovered that I am a very growth-focused person. Feeling stagnant is the exact opposite of how I want to feel in life. I take great joy in life when I am growing in some way. When feel caught in the same-old, same-old, I get, well... bored! (This doesn't mean that some things in life aren't necessary- yes, the laundry, dishes and grocery shopping all have to get done! And I'm okay with that.) What I'm referring to is growth and change within.

So what now? How do I get the "current" moving? I was talking to somebody about this recently and she was saying I need to give myself permission to need growth in my life. She suggested making a "growth list"- anything that brings me joy, energizes me creatively, stretches me spiritually, etc. So that's my next step. Maybe next time I'll share some items on my 'growth list.' :) Some questions I'm going to ask myself are, How am I using my gifts? Could I trying something new? Am I challenging myself in some way? Am I learning new things?

Maybe you're feeling bored or maybe just not as thrilled about life right now for some reason. Consider asking yourself, "Am I growing?" Maybe even a small goal towards growth will help put the oomph back into life! What would you put on your 'growth list?'

"They will continue to grow stronger, and each of them will appear before God in Jerusalem." Psalm 84:7

"Then the way you live will always honour and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better." Colossians 1:10

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