Monday, 6 July 2015

31 Days to Abundant Life: Day 10

Life can feel pretty uncertain at times. Right now we are in a season of major transition. We had a year of waiting for the transition to happen (having a baby and moving across the country), and now we’re in a year of transition while my husband finishes seminary, and we’re anticipating another transition as we pray and discern where God is leading us in ministry. Not only that, but the house we’re renting right now is literally being torn down next year. People look at us with blank, confused stares when we tell them this. But it’s true. We’re in transition…and some days, it’s just plain hard.

When life feels uncertain, I think our natural response is to grasp for control. Because, you know, when I grasp for control, everything falls into place exactly how I was hoping it would and life is easy peasy…. Ummm… NO. 

The truth is, the more I try to control my circumstances, the more fearful I become. And I have to learn, again, thatt grasping for control out of fear only leads to more fear when I realize I really have no control whatsoever.

In Psalm 145:7 it says this:

“They celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness.”

When life is confusing and disorienting and uncertain, there are always certainties we can hold onto. 

God’s abundant goodness…
His nearness to us…
His unconditional love…

There are days when all the uncertainties seem a bit too much. I have questions and doubts and insecurities. We can choose to focus on life’s uncertainties. We can make the choice to try to control life out of fear that it won’t work out the way we hope. 

Or… we can choose another way. Jesus always offers another, a better, way.

We point our hearts back to truth.

Earlier in Psalm 145, we read: “I will meditate on your wonderful works.” Instead of being caught up in worry or fear, I can choose to meditate on the amazing, wonderful works of my Creator. Not only is this more helpful than focusing on life's uncertainties,  but it just sounds like a whole lot more fun to me, too. What are some of God's wonderful works you can meditate on today?

In the book of Isaiah, God is talking about how the Israelites, despite God’s continual provision and love for them, choose to worship other gods and go their own way. They don’t just make this mistake once. They do it over and over and overrrr… 

“In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it” (Isaiah 30:15). Ouch. Isn’t this us at times? We know, deep down in our marrow, that our God is good. That he is trustworthy. But sometimes, we decide...Nah, thanks but no thanks.

Despite their wayward hearts, God is still present and He is still for them. Isaiah 30:18 says, “Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion…” God says to them: “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it” (Isaiah 30:21).

Since I heard that verse years ago, I have always loved it. It's so reassuring and comforting. It's a reminder that He hasn't forgotten us. It's a reminder that, when we're walking with him, we can't go wrong. 

Maybe, just maybe, when life is uncertain, we can experience life abundant even more so than when life is certain. Maybe the uncertainty draws us closer to the voice of the one who whispers, “This is the way, daughter.…go ahead and walk in it. I’ve got you.”

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