Wednesday, 29 July 2015

31 Days to Abundant Life: Day 13

Life gets stressful sometimes, doesn’t it? When life gets stressful and overwhelming, the first thing to usually go for me is “me” time. Ironically, when “me” time goes, life only gets more stressful and overwhelming. 

This week I’m refocusing and leaning into those things that bring me life. Those things that I’m passionate about, that make me feel like me, and that, in turn, reduce my stress and fulfill me.

What are those things? For me, it’s pretty simple. I would narrow it down to 4 things…
  1. Time alone with Jesus
  2. Writing
  3. Exercise & eating healthy
  4. Time with my people
There are lots of other things that make me feel good and reduce stress, like accomplishing things around the house, etc. But if I really narrow it down, these are the four things I need to be doing all the time. The time alone with Jesus, I’ve discovered, is definitely a thing I need every day. That doesn’t always mean a regimented devotional time, although sometimes it does. Sometimes its simply turning my mind and thoughts towards him and talking with him throughout my day. Other times, it’s digging deep into His Word and learning new things and meditating on them. Exercise and eating healthy is also an every day thing, even if the exercise is just a walk. I would say that writing and quality time with my people is an every week thing. I feel at my best when I’m writing about 2-3 times a week. As for my people, that means quality time with my son (which I get every day since I’m a stay-at-home mom right now), time with my husband, and seeing a few friends, whether its a coffee date with a girlfriend, meeting with my moms group, or having a couple over for dinner. These are all life giving and needed. 

If you’re in a bit of a slump and are forgetting or neglecting to do those things that bring you life abundant and fulfillment, you’re not alone! When we’re stressed we tend to think we don’t have time for these things. Sometimes we have to change our expectations of what those things will look like practically in our lives. We can be creative and put forth the effort to ensure we are doing things for ourselves that are life giving.

What are those things that bring you life? Have you been doing them? If not, how can you make time for them? It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it. 

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