The amazing thing with God’s Word is that there is always more truth to discover. He is constantly drawing us closer to Himself and when we allow Him to do that, the truth of His word becomes loud in our heads. And that’s what I want. I want His truth to be louder than the voice of the Accuser. I want His voice, the Voice of Truth, to always be the loudest. Living in truth brings life abundant. But what does “living in truth” mean? What does that even look like? Let’s dig into that today…
A few years back, a woman who was mentoring me asked me this question: “Are you living more in victory or defeat in your life right now?”
At the time, I knew the answer was defeat, but I honestly didn’t know why. For some reason, the voice of the Accuser, the Liar, the Enemy was pretty loud in my head at that point in my life. Christ was still Lord over my life, and of course my life was and is “hidden with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:3.) Satan can’t touch it. But he sure can mess with our heads at times. A lot of the time I lived in fear, allowing worry or stress to reign in my heart. Fear often took first place. To be honest, I didn’t know how to live in victory. This wasn’t something they taught in Sunday School. Or maybe they did and I just wasn’t paying attention :) Either way, I struggled daily to live in victory. You can almost get used to living in defeat without even knowing it. It becomes comfortable.
This past year, God revealed to me, loud and clear, the lies I had allowed to become really loud in my head. Instead of claiming who I was in Him, I held onto my desire to be perfect and to have things all together. I focused on “not failing” rather than simply abiding in God.
Once I started to realize how much these lies were bringing me down, God took me on a journey of rediscovering the truth of who I am in Him. And here’s the crazy thing about it…
This is who I’ve always been.
I have always been Loved, Redeemed, Forgiven, Chosen, Pursued, Equipped, Gifted, Clothed with Strength and Dignity, Commissioned, and Unbound. Always. (I found this identity declaration from Beth Moore’s blog.)
We can live our whole lives knowing who we are in Christ, but never actually believe it to be true. God took me from a place of knowing the truth to believing the truth.
When we believe the truth, we allow it to be active in us, changing our hearts and the way we think. Simply knowing it is just not enough. If we don’t believe it, we can ask the Holy Spirit to help us believe. Like that man who says, “I believe… help my unbelief" (Mark 9:24). We can ask this daily when our belief wavers. We don’t have to feel bad about struggling in our belief. We can just bring that doubt to our Father and let him make that truth alive in us.
Some practical things I do to remind myself of truth... I write it down and literally put it on my walls. I write it on sticky notes, put it on the lockscreen of my phone and laptop wallpaper, highlight it in my bible, write it in my journal. For me, it helps to visually see truth throughout my day. Just little reminders that He’s with me, He sees me, and He loves me.
Knowing the truth and believing it sets us free from the fears and worries and lies that keep us from abundant life. When we believe the truth about who we are in Christ and operate out of this truth in our daily lives, we live abundantly.
I pray that the truth will get loud in your head and that you will believe the truth of who you are in Him. He loves you and He is for you.
*To see the identity declaration I was talking about take a look at:
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