It’s day 8 and we’re talking about Life Abundant. I have loved what we’ve dug into so far here and to be honest, I’m starting to think… 31 days?! We’re only on day 8. But part of the wonder of God’s Word is that there is always more truth to discover. He continually reveals Himself to us. So let’s dig in today…
I’ve been doing the bible study “Seamless” by Angie Smith. It’s all about understanding the bible as one complete story. I’m on week three and we’re learning about the Exodus. You know, when Moses led the Israelites out of captivity and towards the promised land? I really feel for those Israelites. God does miracles for them, over and over and over… and yet they continue to question him. They begin to doubt His good plans for them and this leads them to sin and disobey him. They would be really obedient to Him for a while, and then they would do something really ridiculous. Reading it, you can’t help but think, “WHAT is wrong with you people?! Don’t you see God has a plan? Don’t you see how he’s provided for you, over and over again?”
But then I have to remember that the Israelites didn’t have the bible I’m reading from. They had no idea what God’s plan was for them, other than what was directly in front of them. They wanted more. They wanted to know they were covered for the future.
The truth is, I’m very much like the Israelites myself. As much as they frustrate me, I can’t help but think, wasn’t this just me, like, yesterday? Doubting God’s goodness, doubting His promises to me, doubting His sovereign plan?
It’s not sinful to doubt or question God. In fact, I actually think it’s a healthy aspect of our relationship with Him. Because relationships aren’t always perfect, are they? I’m learning that God wants a real relationship with us. He doesn’t want us to pretend like everything is ok when really we’re questioning or doubting our struggling. Truly, I believe he just wants to know our hearts.
But, if we live in a constant state of questioning God’s good plan for us, we will not experience abundant life. If, instead, we bring our questions and doubts before God when they arise, we allow Him to carry our burdens. He fills us up, reminds us of His love even when we doubt it, and we can rest in His promises. When we’re honest with God, he can take it. He’s not worried that we’re doubting our questioning Him. He is strong and His Spirit is strong in us. Instead of spending our time feeling bad about our doubts or questions, we really can release these burdens into the hands of our Father. He takes them for us and reminds us of the abundant life He offers, even in the midst of questions and trials.
So today, when I’m tempted to doubt or question, which will indeed take away from the abundant life He offers, I’m going to bring it to Him. Instead of dwelling on my doubts and fears, I'm going to release them into the hands of my loving Father. As I let go of what I was never meant to carry, I embrace the good promise of my loving Father: life to the full.
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