Wednesday, 24 June 2015

31 Days to Abundant Life: Day 7

Ever have a ‘blah’ day? You know what I mean. Just one of those days that isn’t particularly exhilarating and isn’t particularly awful either. Just kinda… blah. For some reason, that’s how I feel today. And it almost stopped me from writing this blog post. Thoughts like, "what’s the point" or "I don’t have anything important to say" have entered my head today. But then I remembered something… 

I went back and read something I wrote on day 1:

"I often live as if “abundant life” is a future feeling rather than a present reality."

Hmmm. It was kind of ironic to read that back to myself today because I realized this is how I’ve been operating today. As if life abundant is a future feeling…rather than something I can experience today. 

Can you experience abundant life when you’re having a ‘blah’ day? I’m wondering why I am having a blah day in the first place. I think it has something to do with expectations. We are in a season of waiting and transition. I’ll be honest… it’s hard to be content in seasons like this sometimes. It’s really hard to not want to forge ahead with my own plan for my life, rather than waiting for God to clearly reveal His will. It’s easy to become a little bit bitter that other people or families our age have their lives a little more figured out… you know, like have jobs and homes and…things.

Jobs. Homes. Things. This reminds me of something I wrote back in Day 3 of this journey: 

"It’s tempting to think that abundant life looks a lot like 'The American Dream.'" 

I was reminded that my life looking a certain way won't actually bring life abundant. Only Jesus does that.

How do we experience life abundant when we’re having a ‘blah’ day? Or maybe even a blah month or year? I think one thing we can do is remember. Remember who God is and what He has done. Remember that we can trust Him and that He is for us. Remember that He alone can satisfy...not things or life circumstances or other people. Remember that “if the Son has set us free, then we are free indeed” (John 8:36) and that Jesus came so we could have life to the full…life abundant (John 10:10). Here. Today. Now. Even on a blah day. 

This song, “Captain," by Hillsong United has been ministering deeply to my heart the past couple days. Take a listen and a deep breath. And remember that abundant life is Jesus gift to us.

My favourite lyrics from the song:
“Speak to the sails of my wandering heart…Your word will align my voyage and remind me where I’ve been, and where I am going…Your truth is the compass that points me back north…”

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